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April Meeting

  • Fairfield Senior Centre 80 Lothian Avenue Toronto, ON, M8Z 4K6 Canada (map)

Meeting Activities: Speaker, Flower Show, Master Gardeners (available for questions)

Click here for Flower Show Details

Guest Speaker: Robert Pavlis

Topic: Understanding Soil

Robert will discuss the basic components of soil and what makes good soil, the importance of microbes in building soil structure, and how gardeners can improve this. He’ll talk about some common soil myths and ways to add nutrients to the garden. Finally he will look at a new topic in gardening – the rhizosphere. This is a thin layer around roots that will change the way you think about soil.

Robert will bring copies of some of his books for sale at the meeting (please bring cash if you are interested in purchasing).

Our Speaker Bio:

Robert Pavlis is a well-known speaker, educator and myth buster with over 40 years of gardening experience. He is an award winning author of several books, Food Science for GardenersBuilding Natural PondsSoil Science for GardenersPlant Science for GardenersCompost Science for GardenersMicrobe Science for Gardeners and Garden Myths and publishes the popular gardening blog; and a YouTube Channel; Garden Fundamentals. As the owner and head gardener of Aspen Grove Gardens, a six-acre botanical garden, he grows 3,000 varieties of plants.

My latest book is Food Science for Gardeners.

Published books:
Garden Myths, Food Science for Gardeners, Plant Science for Gardeners, Soil Science for Gardeners
Microbe Science for Gardeners, Compost Science for Gardeners and Building Natural Ponds
Garden Myths
YouTube Channel:
Garden Fundamentals
Facebook Groups:
Garden Fundamentals and Building Natural Ponds
Owner of Aspen Grove Gardens

March 5

March Meeting

May 7

May Meeting